Should You Play The Elder Scrolls Online In 2021?

6 min readMar 8, 2021

This is a very common question when it comes to MMOs, especially ones that have been going on for years. The Elder Scrolls Online has been doing relatively well for almost 7 years now.

The Elder Scrolls Online is releasing the beginning of its year-long story very soon, followed by the Blackwood expansion. Meaning an influx of new players and new content. So should you play The Elder Scrolls Online in 2021?

Short answer… YES.

Long Answer… continue reading.

I just started playing The Elder Scrolls Online around a month and a half or so ago. So I am a newbie and started playing this year as well. I am currently champion point 238 and had a blast, so when I say this game is worth playing this year, you best believe I have the proof to back it up.

However, I am here to explain to YOU why YOU should play it and why there is no better time than right now.

Single/Solo Player Friendly

The Elder Scrolls Online is a great game if you are a solo player. Most of the sets and gear can be obtained from farming solo or buying from a guild store. A majority of quests can be completed, except ones that require beating a trail (raid), dungeon, or world boss.

However, it is very possible to solo world bosses once you obtain the right gear, some dungeons can be beaten solo as well.

If you are the type of person who loves to experience a story while playing a game, then The Elder Scrolls Online has you covered.

Story Quests

Each zone in The Elder Scrolls Online’s Tamriel features a story arc. There is a main quest that can be completed, this story focuses on your character and Molag Bal. Zone quests are mini-stories that are worth tackling. Some will continue the story and lead you into other zones.

Doing these will allow you to explore Tamriel and see everything the world has to offer. I should also mention that all characters are fully voiced, making the immersion that much better.

Lore of The Elder Scrolls

Books, letters, characters, locales, and delves. There is no shortage of lore about the land of Tamriel and the world of The Elder Scrolls. Exploring can lead you to plenty of books worth reading that detail certain parts of history within the game.

Letters are also sprinkled throughout the game, within caves and near camps. Detailing a character’s feeling or experience before their demise. Some of these are tragic and heartbreaking.

Don’t forget to go fishing, it can be a bit soothing from all the chaos.

Anyway, maybe you’re thinking well, how will I go about traveling to zones if I am too low level? No need to worry about that.

Let me explain why.

Scaled Zones/One Tamriel

Your created character can go to any zone without the need to worry about levels, due to being boosted. It doesn’t matter what zone you are in, except maybe Craglorn, you can complete all the overland content and delves.

Maybe you decided to play The Elder Scrolls Online in 2021 because you got a buddy that plays it and is high level.

Well, you can party up with him/her and have fun kicking butt together due to your character being boosted and enemies being scaled to both of your characters. So go have fun jumping from zone to zone if you wish.

Even if your friend isn’t online, there are many others that willing to help.

Booming Population

You are probably thinking is now the right time to jump into The Elder Scrolls Online when the games been out for nearly 7 years? What if the player population is low?

I thought the same, but that doesn’t seem to be the case, at least not on Xbox. Each zone is filled with players in town or running around doing quests. It is easy enough to find players to help you with a world boss or world event.

Guilds make things even easier to group up for events or dungeon for other players. There are plenty of guilds on Xbox that help out new players learn dungeons and trials.

Don’t be afraid to join and ask for tips. Doesn’t matter if you need help with a quest or maybe tips on your chosen class.

A big or small population is what can make or break an MMO, you don’t have to worry about that here. It is still going strong.

Role-play Your Way

Unless your grouping up with hardcore dungeon and trial runners, don’t feel like you should play a certain way. The Elder Scrolls Online offer a lot of freedom when building your character.

Role-playing is a valuable option. Sure there optimal builds and classes (there are 6 classes so far) for tanking, damage, and healing, but you are not obligated to use those builds. Most content is easy and can be completed playing the character you want.

In-Game Events

Now and again, events will happen throughout the year. Some of these will increase experience gain by 100%, doubling your leveling rate. Some will offer double rewards in certain zones or more rewards from PVP.

All events usually bring all the players of The Elder Scrolls Online together. At the time of this writing, the tribunal event is nearing its end. However, I have never gained so many set pieces from a zone so quickly. Due to the increase in player population in the current zones, the event takes place. World bosses die in seconds, hopefully, you get a hit in.

There is another event coming up soon, so why not jump into the game now, get the hang of the mechanics and be ready for the next event.

Dungeons and Trials

I’m not going to lie to you, I have not completed a single 4-player dungeon or trial yet. Being too focused on getting skyshards and sets that are much easier to obtain will do that to a person

I am a solo player, but I will run group dungeons when I know the mechanics of the dungeon.

I may not have any experience with it, but it is probably best to do these with guildmates. They are a lot nicer to newcomers. However, if you are the more group-oriented hardcore MMO player, then these should be right up your alley.

Again, haven’t experienced these myself, but some dungeons can be challenging, but rewarding. Trials are raids basically and contain some great gear, so it will take a lot of team coordination to complete.

The great thing is that The Elder Scrolls Online offers plenty of dungeons and trials, even without any DLC.

So if you are still thinking should you play The Elder Scrolls Online in 2021, then I don’t know what other information to give you.

Except that it is available on Game Pass so give it a go and judge for yourself.

Originally published at on March 8, 2021.




HTTPS://GAMINGNITEMARE.COM I am a chill guy who loves to write about my passion: video games. I love all genres of games, but I prefer RPGs and fighting games.